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     Français    Italiano    Español    Português    English    中文 The system of effective and transparent management
Sistema Ambiente

English version

SISTEMA AMBIENTE: The software that helps the company
to improve the form how we produced, health and safety, environmental quality, effectiveness of the management
HSE: Health, Safety on the Job and Environment:
your management system HSE complete, easy, effective

good base for ISO 9001, ISO 14001, EMAS, OHSAS 18001, ISO 45001

The analytical method for the individualization and management of the risks The system simpler and complete to analyze, to evaluate and to manage the risks
The easy and correct control of the chemical risk for the prevention of the health and the processes improvement A complete management of chemical Risk: starting from the analysis of processes for control of emissions
To improve the work organization means to improve the production Necessary to analyze the work organization from tasks to the ergonomic conditions
The document of evaluation of the risks is dynamic and active A software that transforms the data in your document of evaluation of risks dynamic and updated in real time
The formation and the procedures (sanitary protocols, safety, prevention sets fire, maintenance, HACCP) belong to the behaviors to improve the way of working A system of integrated management of the procedures of the company (sanitary protocols, safety, prevention sets fire, maintenance, HACCP), formation, information and prevention
The wastes can be decreased and to become a resource The function of wastes management very completes, easy, practical

Every parameter that belongs to the way of producing is checked and can be correct The only tool capable to develop the environmental accounting integrated with the industrial accounting

A complete and dynamic informative system that communicates with the ERP A system of global information for the whole company, with a relationship database very powerful based on a stable technology, integrated with ERP and an opportunity of organizing the Electronic Documents management (Dms)

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